Difference Between Full Bore and Reduce Bore Ball Valves

What is the Difference Between Full Bore and Reduce Bore Ball Valves. Full port vs redcue port ?



Last month, I was asked by a customer what is a full bore ball valve? I think this is a great idea to share with readers.

In citations use valves or valve related documents when designing the system. People will give information about the valve, especially the ball valve. Machinery chains for the oil and gas industry or anywhere else. When you hear about a full bore ball valve or a reduce bore. Then surely they are talking about different types of ball valves.

There are two terms full bore and full port, both are exactly the same. The only difference is that full port is a term used a lot in the oil and gas industry. Or also the terms reduced bore and reduced port, both are the same. And are understood to be the same.


Difference between full bore (full port) ball valve and reduce bore (reduce port) ball valves


Looking at the comparison image below, we see that:

– Full port ball valve (full bore): is a valve with the diameter of the ball hole coincident with the diameter of the pipeline. Thus, the medium that passes through the full port ball valve will not be affected in terms of flow and pressure. The price of full bore valve is higher than reduce bore.

– Reduce port ball valve (reduce bore): is a valve with a ball hole diameter smaller than the diameter of the conduit. Thus, the medium that passes through the reduce port ball valve will be reduced in flow and pressure. The price of reduce bore valve is cheaper than full bore.


Difference between full bore (full port) ball valve and reduce bore (reduce port) ball valves Difference between full bore (full port) ball valve and reduce bore (reduce port) ball valves

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